Respecting Women’s Wisdom Right MEOW.
Emerge stronger than the storm. Photo Credit: The hubs, Glenn Garlard
Whoa! It’s been quite an August, a word that means inspiring admiration or something or someone profoundly respected and honored — and right meow Kamala Harris represents this for me — because of who she is, what she represents and what she can do for our country and our world.
Right now is such an interesting time to be alive. (And for the record, I’m reclaiming the word interesting to be positive rather than pejorative.) As a 1973 model GenX-er, I’ve said many times I have lived in a sweet spot in history, and we are currently experiencing a turning point.
We are in a place where we must decide if we will stay “in our place” or step out of line and the break long-standing barriers imposed on us by misogyny and racism.
We are in a place where we must decide if we will relinquish democracy in favor of authoritarianism, and it not the first time our country has faced this specific kind of internal challenge. Fascist right-wingers have been amongst our ranks since before World War 2 and their ideas have survived and spread thanks to the internet. This is not conspiracy theory stuff. It’s a little known historical fact. Want the story? Try Rachel Maddow’s podcast Ultra.
The wheel is turning, and I’m deeply grateful to be a woman, a witness and a participating citizen as we forge forward – never straight – into a future ripe with examples of courage, true patriotism and hope.
And I know not everyone thinks or feels the same — and that’s ok.
I DO believe in hope — and not passively. I believe in hope supported by faith actioned into being by beings willing to do things differently. I do not believe in new-age manifestations or that we can afford to spiritually bypass politics because everything that touches us is political. To say we are “above all that” is practicing privilege.
I believe in women – and the men who respect and support women – who have earnestly held our elders’ wisdom sacred for so long and that
now is the time for women’s wisdom to be elevated.
I believe now is the time for a global rebalancing — it happens — where all have a place at the long table — where Mamas of all sorts will not just prepare and serve the meal, but also receive it — in reciprocity –- so the great cycles may continue, and all are nourished.
It is with these words in my heart – and a spark in my spirit – that I consider my responsibilities, my part to play in all this.
Perhaps you have had the thought too? As women we so often ask, “What can I do? How can I help?”
I’ll circle back to my word… What do you find interesting? What arouses you and your curiosity? What sends energy through you so you light up like a beacon in the night? This is YOU INSPIRED woman.
Consider this. No contribution is more or less than the next. Let that sink in. We don’t need to do “giant things” for our efforts to be significant. Every woman, every kindness, every voice and every vote matters.
This much I know is true. Cause and effect is real, and every action is woven into the web of Life. The Bhagavad Gita counsels us to do our duty, our good work, and let go of the outcome. So, I believe we must do what interests and inspires us – well and consciously.
For me it goes like this…I ask…how can I support people to have more agency over their health, and cultivate robust physical and mental health, so we can do our good work — so we are fit for service.
Invoking my grandmother’s hands, I joyfully pass the practices that have nourished me down the long table. Please feel free to fill your plate, and even take seconds if you’re interested.
It is my hope the practices I offer can serve as a resource to help us maintain the calm and clarity we’ll need to stay engaged. Ideological clashes happen. Conflict happens. Revolution happens.
As the winds of change blow, may we stay centered and emerge stronger than the storm. Aho and LFG!