In my commitment to accessibility, I understand that every person's financial situation is unique. That's why I offer tiered pricing options. I believe everyone should have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and experiences, regardless of their economic circumstances. Thank you for choosing the pricing option that best describes you when signing up.


  • Rolling out your your mat

    Access Pass

    If the following descriptors best fit your current situation, pick this pass.

    "I frequently stress about meeting my daily needs and my housing is unstable. I am unemployed or underemployed. I rarely buy new items due to no extra income and live paycheck to paycheck."

    For some, the Access Pass may be inaccessible. Scholarships are available, and all who apply will receive one.

  • Reiki hands on a clients feet

    Gather Pass

    If the following descriptors best fit your current situation, consider this pass.

    "I may stress about daily needs, but they are always met. I have stable housing, employment, and access to healthcare. I occasionally purchase new items, but I am budget conscious. I can take a yearly vacation with little to no stress."

    Choosing the Gather pass supports your attendance in the offering.

  • Reiki hands on a clients back

    Advocate Pass

    If the following descriptors best fit your current situation, consider choosing this pass.

    "All my daily needs are met. I own a home, have employment or don't need to be employed. I can purchase new items or vacation without stress."

    Choosing this option supports you and your fellow community members' attendance.

If my options are inaccessible to you please reach out for a scholarship.
No one turned away for lack of funds.